
Check the route to your hotel with Google Maps
Hakata Station Subway Airport Line Nakasukawabata Station From Exit 7 on foot
Approx. 3 min. Approx. 3 min.
Hakata Station
Subway Airport Line Approx. 3 min.
Nakasukawabata Station
From Exit 7 on foot Approx. 3 min.
Fukuoka Airport Station Subway Airport Line Nakasukawabata Station From Exit 7 on foot
Approx. 10 min. Approx. 3 min.
Fukuoka Airport Station
Subway Airport Line Approx. 10 min.
Nakasukawabata Station
From Exit 7 on foot Approx. 3 min.
Fukuoka Urban Expressway From Gofukumachi Exit
Approx. 6 min.

From Chiyo Exit
Approx. 9 min.
Fukuoka Urban Expressway
From Gofukumachi Exit Approx. 6 min. From Chiyo Exit Approx. 9 min.

Walking route from the nearest station

3 min. on foot from Nakasukawabata Station (Exit 7)

  • 1.
  • Get off the subway at Nakasukawabata Station and exit through the Kawabata ticket gate.
  • 2-1.
  • You will see a sign for Exit 7 on your front right.
  • 2-2.
  • Exit 7 is in the direction of Hakataza.
  • 2-3.
  • Please follow the signs.
  • 3-1.
  • You will see the escalator of Hakataza Theater and Nishigin Building in front of you.
  • 3-2.
  • Go up the escalator. (There is also an elevator)
  • 3-3.
  • After climbing the escalator, you will reach the ground level.
  • 4.
  • With your back to Hakataza Theater, proceed to the left.
  • 5.
  • You will pass by the red sign of Cafe Chapeau and the red awning.
  • 6.
  • Cross the next large intersection (Doi Dori) to the right.
  • 7.
  • You will pass between the art frames, Osaki Shusui-do and 7-Eleven.
  • 8.
  • Pass by Kawaguchiya Dyeing Shop.
  • 9.
  • Hotel Vista Fukuoka is next to Mizutaki Iroha.
  • 10.
  • Have a good day!

Parking lot information

Parking lot (mechanical) attached

Number of cars A few
※First-come-first-served basis
Vehicle Size Limitations Full height 1750㎜ or less × Full width 1850㎜ or less × Full length 5050㎜ or less
Parking Fee 1,500 yen (including tax) / Overnight stay
Remarks Please enter the garage from the Reisen Park side.
No parking for buses, large vehicles, etc.
when the car is full If the parking lot is full, we will guide you to our affiliated parking lot.
Click here for information on affiliated parking lots ※Japanese only(PDF)
